Founder: Chief Bishop William E. Christian

At Caine Creek, under a brush arbor near Wrightville, Arkansas in April 1889, a minister named Rev. William Christian having been pastor of a Baptist church in Ft. Smith, began preaching the doctrine of Jesus Christ as laid down in the Bible. His difference of opinion with Dr. Howe, another Baptist minister, caused him to leave the Baptist church. He intended to begin a work known as Christian's Friendship Work but through divine revelation and close study of the scriptures lead him to the truth that the church is known as Church of the Living God. The first members were Elder K. C. Adams who became the first National Secretary, Rev. Josh Adams, Rev. Russell Stowe, Wm. Pierce and Tim Jones, a land owner in Wrightsville. Mr. Shackelford, a lawyer in Little Rock, incorporated the church in the state of Arkansas. Rev. John Christian, the brother of Rev. Wm. Christian, was with him in the early work. In 1895 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, a difference of opinion arose that caused them to separate. Both maintained the name of the Church of the Living God, one using Motto C.W.F.F. and the other the pillar and ground of the truth following the name. Only by the use of the motto' (C.W.F.F.) in parenthesis is the temple identified as a part of the Brotherhood.
There have been numerous secessions, but the Church of the Living God Brotherhood organized by Rev. Christian still is the parent body. The organization itself is non-denominational and non-sectarian. It emphasizes believers' baptism by immersion, the use of water and unleavened bread element in the Lord's Supper and the washing of saint's feet which is required only when one unites with the church. The local organizations are known as "Temple" rather than as "Churches" and are subject to the authority of the general assembly. The presiding officer is styled as "chief bishop." The ministry includes bishops, overseers, evangelists, pastors, missionaries and local preachers, The Executive Board is in charge of the operation of the entire organization, at, the absence of the Annual Assembly. Synod. Annual, General Assembly meets quadrennial.

Chief Bishop
J.P. Stucky
Past Prelate

Chief Bishop
O.V. Hall
Past Prelate

Chief Bishop
F.C. Scott
Past Prelate

Chief Bishop
W.E. Crumes
Past Prelate

Chief Bishop
Robert D. Tyler
Past Prelate

Chief Bishop
Elbert Jones, Jr.
Past Prelate


Welcome to the Church of the Living God, motto: "Christian Workers for Fellowship." We are a bible believing nationally organized church tasked with the mission to reach the world with the soul saving life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. As our name conveys, we are saved, led and sustained by the one and only true living God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we continue to strive to meet the requirements of the "Great Commission" of Jesus Christ teaching, preaching the word of God and reaching the world with the love of Jesus Christ!
Our Mission Demonstrated
Established in 1889, for over 130 years we have labored to enrich the lives of others spiritually through the preaching and teaching of God's word; social-economically through our advocacy for equality and justice; educationally through academic scholarships, health and wellness teachings and ministerial training; and physically through various outreach efforts providing basic essentials to those in need. With the help of God and our many dedicated congregations we are transforming this nation by expanding the love of God here on earth.
Our Leadership Structure
​We acknowledge the Jesus Christ is the head of the God's church. By following an episcopal model, we have configured our leadership structure to be aligned with what is taught in scripture and that which has served the historical Christian church. We currently operate within twelve episcopal districts throughout the United States. Each district has a presiding prelate (bishop) with an additional supportive officials that provide assistance to local pastors and the local congregations. We are always interested in fellowship opportunities and in providing welcoming pastors and churches into our wonderful family of churches as affiliate members or fellowship members. If you would like to learn more about these opportunities please contact us at our national headquarters.
We believe in One true and Living God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the Father of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
We believe there are three persons in the Godhead, namely: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of mankind;
We believe that Jesus died, was buried, arose, and ascended into heaven;
We believe Jesus Christ to be the door to Eternal Life and we are to enter into the City through and by Jesus Christ;
We believe if any attempt is made to enter the fold of God without following Christ’s instructions, we make a complete failure and cometh before the Mighty One as a thief and a robber;
We believe there are three Sacraments ordained of Christ in the New Covenant, namely: Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the Washing of Feet;
We believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man;
We believe all are one in Christ, who does His will;
We believe we should do unto all men, as we would have them do unto us.
We believe all men are born free and equal;
We believe that the Holy Bible is the book, which points out the Way of eternal Life through obedience;
We believe to be saved, we must live by every word (pertaining to salvation) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God;
We believe the Bible from Genesis to Malachi to be a Jewish guide foreshadowing the coming of Christ.
We believe the Gospel recorded in Matthew, Luke, and John contains the plan of salvation.
We further believe that the book of Acts may be used as by-laws in part and as History of the apostolic work.
We believe the Book of Revelation was sent from God, signified by an angel unto John for inspiration and encouragement of the Disciples of Christ.
We believe all scripture is Profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, unto all good works.